@if($user->preferred_language == 'Arabic')
مرحباً {{ $user->name_ar ? $user->name_ar : $user->name }}،
@if(isset($admin) && $admin)
شكراَ جزيلاً على تجديدكم لعضوية الجمعية الملكية لحماية الطبيعة. هذا لتأكيد استلام دفعة تجديد عضويتك.
**بيانات الدفع:
طريقة الدفع: @if($user->membership->membershipInvoices->last()->payment_type == "onsite") نقدي - في الموقع @else بطاقة ائتمانية @endif
مبلغ الدفع: {{ $total }}
تاريخ الدفع: {{ $user->membership->membershipInvoices->last()->payment_date }}
شكراَ جزيلاً على تجديدكم لعضوية الجمعية الملكية لحماية الطبيعة. هذا لتأكيد استلام دفعتك بمبلغ {{ $total }} دنانير.
@endif {{-- ====================================================== --}}
يسرنا إعلامكم أن عضويتكم @if(isset($admin) && $admin) @if($user->membership->type == 'individual') عضوية فردية @if($user->membership->sub_type == 'Annual') - سنوية @endif @elseif($user->membership->type == 'employee') عضوية موظف الجمعية الملكية لحماية الطبيعة @if($user->membership->sub_type == 'Individual') - فردية @elseif ($user->membership->sub_type == 'Family') - عائلية @endif @elseif($user->membership->type == 'corporate') عضوية الشركات @elseif($user->membership->type == 'family') عضوية عائلية @endif @endif بالجمعية فعالة @if($user->membership->end_date) وصالحة حتى {{ $user->membership->membershipInvoices->last()->end_date }} @endif .
{{-- ====================================================== --}}
للاطلاع على بطاقتكم الإلكترونية وتفاصيل عضويتكم والمزايا، يرجى تسجيل الدخول إلى حسابك على موقعنا والانتقال إلى ملفك الشخصي باستخدام هذا الرابط: https://www.rscn.org.jo/user/profile
{{-- ====================================================== --}}
نحن فخورون جدًا بالترحيب بكم. بدعمكم، تساهمون بشكل كبير في مواصلة رسالتنا المتمثلة في حماية التراث الطبيعي الغني في الأردن، والتنوع الحيوي، وتنمية المجتمع المحلي. الجمعية هي جمعية تطوعية ومنظمة غير حكومية تعتمد على دعم الأعضاء بشكل خاص لتتمكن بالاستمرار في مسيرتها في حماية الطبيعة.
{{-- ====================================================== --}}
مع أطيب التحيات،
الجمعية الملكية لحماية الطبيعة
Hi {{ $user->name }},
@if(isset($admin) && $admin)
Thank you for renewing your membership with the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN). Your continuous support is hugely appreciated! This is to confirm your membership renewal payment has been received and processed.
**Payment Details:
Payment Method : @if($user->membership->membershipInvoices->last()->payment_type == "onsite") Cash - On site @else Card @endif
Payment Amount: {{ $total }}
Payment Date: {{ $user->membership->membershipInvoices->last()->payment_date }}
Thank you for renewing your membership with the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN). Your continuous support is hugely appreciated! This is to confirm the receipt of your payment in the amount of JOD {{ $total }} .
@endif {{-- ====================================================== --}}
Your RSCN @if(isset($admin) && $admin) @if($user->membership->type == 'individual') Individual Membership @if($user->membership->sub_type == 'Annual') - Annual @endif @elseif($user->membership->type == 'employee') Employee Membership @if($user->membership->sub_type == 'Individual') - Individual @elseif ($user->membership->sub_type == 'Family') - Family @endif @elseif($user->membership->type == 'corporate') Corporate Membership @elseif($user->membership->type == 'family') Family Membership @endif @else membership @endif is now active @if($user->membership->end_date) and valid until {{ $user->membership->end_date }} @endif .
{{-- ====================================================== --}}
To view your e-card, membership details, and benefits, simply log in to your account on our website and navigate to your profile using this link: https://www.rscn.org.jo/user/profile
{{-- ====================================================== --}}
We are very thrilled about your renewal! With your support, you are greatly assisting us in continuing with our mission of protecting Jordan’s rich natural heritage, biodiversity, and local community development. RSCN, as an independent national NGO, depends particularly on members’ support for its continued success.
{{-- ====================================================== --}}
Thanks again!
{{-- ====================================================== --}}
Best regards,
The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN)